Happy Wednesday my loves…


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Nowadays children interact with a lot more people than they did in the 1960s. A 21st century kid lives in a more complicated world, a busier world. It is a place where everything happens so quickly that if you stop and stare for a while you may end up missing a whole lot of things. As a result our children’s behaviour has changed.

Today our offspring faces a great deal of stimuli, which they don’t know how to respond to. If not paid attention to, this may lead to problems with your child’s behaviour. It’s really hard to raise a child these days when there are so many other parents that just let their offspring do what they want. How can you explain to your 4-year-old kid that he/she cannot have a tablet when the mother next door has already bought her little girl one of these gadgets? It’s true that you can’t control everyone, but you can try to improve your kid’s behaviour in many ways rather than spoil him/her as other parents do.

Looking for help with this? Being a parent is not an easy job. Here we would like to share with you a few tips to improving your children’s behaviour. Be sure to check them out.

Discuss matters

Conversation is a key factor. You have to talk to your children, tell them what’s right and what’s wrong. Share your emotions. Discuss problems. If you, for example, have told a lie and your kid is feeling confused about it, explain matters to him/her. Tell them how bad you feel for this and that cheating is not a good thing. Talk about what you could have done differently in this case. Admit your mistakes. Teach your child that to err is okay, but only if you draw a lesson from it and not let it happen again.


How can you teach your child to love and respect the others if you don’t do it yourself? You are the main figure in your children’s life. Whatever you do, they repeat it. If you want to teach them to love their family, to treat the others equally and to be willing to negotiate, you have to do this in return with your own parents and loved ones and everybody else. The way you treat the others gives your offspring essential lessons. So if you want them to be compassionate, polite and understanding, you first need to take a look at yourself. How do you treat your spouse? If after coming back home you only shout at each other, your child will draw the wrong conclusions. On the contrary, if you don’t say a word either and isolate yourself, that is not the best thing to do either. It’s okay if you need to be alone for a while, but after that just let your loved ones know that you are available.

Be polite

Be polite on the phone or in stores. How you interact with strangers has an impact on your child as well. It is your responsibility to teach your offspring to be nice to people they don’t know and the ones they do, of course. They should know that politeness is part of communication and it’s also a matter of etiquette. Being nice and showing consideration to others is what every human being should be able to do.

Teach your child to clean up after himself/herself

It’s hard to clean all the mess that children leave every single day. And while you find this to be ‘normal’, it’s okay to try to change it. Teach your children that they have to clean their mess. Establish some cleaning rules for them to follow. If it is too difficult to keep their attention, try a few games that will make cleaning funnier for them.

Author Bio: Olivia Moore is a busy working mom of two girls. She is a professional cleaner and if you don’t have enough time you could contact her for help for cleaning your rented home.